Megan Arjmandi DDS

Smile Essentials Dentist in Vista California

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Smile Essentials Dental Care

Am I good candidate for dental implants

Am I good candidate for dental implants

You’ve asked an excellent question about whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. Let me see if I can provide a thorough answer for you in more than 500 words.

The key factors I would need to know to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants are:

– Your oral health history – Do you have any existing dental issues like gum disease, tooth decay, or oral infections? These would need to be treated and under control before implants could be placed. Also, if you’ve had extractions, we’d need to determine that your jawbone is thick and healthy enough to support the implants.

– Your overall health status – Certain medical conditions like diabetes or osteoporosis can interfere with healing after implant surgery or cause implant failure down the road. Being immunocompromised or needing radiation treatment to the jaw area could also cause problems. We’d want to be sure your health would allow implants to integrate well.

– Your habits affecting oral health – Habits like smoking or chewing tobacco increase implant failure risks. We’d want to discuss lifestyle changes to optimize the chances of success. Your oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing are important too, as poor hygiene could lead to implant loss. 

– The status of your jawbone – Enough healthy bone must be present to anchor the implant posts. We may need to evaluate your bone quantity and density using 3D imaging like a CT scan. If bone loss exists, procedures like ridge augmentation could potentially build up the jawbone to support implants.

– Your reasons for wanting implants – We’d discuss whether implants are the best tooth replacement option for your unique situation. Implants require a significant time investment for procedures, healing, and follow-up care. We want to be sure you are willing to make that commitment.

– Configuration of your bite and space for implants – Careful measurement of your jaw size, shape, and alignment with the opposing teeth would need to occur. There must be adequate space to place the implants properly without impinging on nerves or sinus areas. 

– Your expectations and desired timeline – Your hopes for the end result and timing preference need to be realistic. Achieving optimal implant placement, integration, and restoration can span many months. We want to be sure your expectations align with your anatomy and the necessary process.

After a detailed consultation, examination, and review of your dental records, I should be able to determine if implants are indicated in your unique case. If you are not a candidate, we can discuss alternate tooth replacement options. However, if the factors above indicate you are a good candidate, we can proceed with planning out the implant timeline, procedures, and aftercare. I will be sure to explain each step so you feel informed and confident moving forward. Please let me know if you have any other implant-related questions! I’m happy to explain further.

Grinding teeth

Grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism, can cause a variety of oral health issues if left unchecked. Let me give you a thorough overview of what recommendations your dentist might have for managing bruxism.

First, your dentist will want to evaluate and diagnose the extent of your grinding habit through an oral exam. They may check for signs like abnormal tooth wear, jaw muscle tenderness, or cracked teeth to determine the severity. Getting a sense of your stress levels and any other known contributing factors can also help identify triggers.

Once properly diagnosed, your dentist may recommend trying a custom-fit night guard as a first-step treatment. This clear mouth appliance is worn while sleeping cushions your teeth from the force of grinding. It helps prevent excessive wear that can lead to fractures, chips, sensitivity, and the need for crowns or other restorations. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to fabricate a unique night guard just for you.

For some patients, injecting botulinum toxin in the chewing muscles has been effective at reducing grinding and clenching at night. The effects of the toxin relax the strained muscles and limit damage to the teeth. However, the injections require repeating every few months as the effects wear off. This approach also has more potential side effects than a night guard.

Improving stress management through counseling, meditation, physical therapy or other means can be beneficial. Since bruxism often flares during periods of high anxiety and tension, developing healthy coping strategies for stress can have a big impact. Your dentist may advise learning relaxation techniques and avoiding stimulants like caffeine close to bedtime.

You should also closely follow your dentist’s at-home oral health instructions, as bruxism increases the risk of cavities and gum recession. Meticulous brushing, flossing, and using recommended products like prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste can strengthen enamel against grinding damage. Your dentist will want to see you more frequently for cleanings and checkups to monitor your teeth under the strain of bruxism.

With a combination of the night guard, medication, stress relief, oral hygiene, and close monitoring, your dentist can work with you to control the effects of grinding. The key is being vigilant with at-home care and maintaining regular dental visits even after symptoms improve, as bruxism can recur. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions on managing this common condition!

Should I get dental veneers

Getting veneers is an excellent way to transform your smile and boost your self-confidence. Veneers are custom-made thin shells, usually made of porcelain, that are bonded to the front of your teeth. Veneers allow you to reshape, resize, and recolor your teeth easily in just a few dental visits. 

Some of the biggest benefits of getting veneers are:

– They cover imperfections – Veneers conceal chips, cracks, discolorations, and uneven tooth shapes. The porcelain shells mask stained, yellowed, or misshapen teeth, instantly creating a beautiful white smile.

– They require minimal tooth reduction – Unlike crowns, veneers don’t require aggressively reshaping the entire tooth. Just 0.5-0.7mm needs removal from the outer layer of the tooth. This makes veneers a more conservative solution.

– They are stain resistant – The porcelain material is resistant to coffee, tea, red wine, and other staining foods and drinks. You won’t have to worry as much about maintaining a bright white smile.

– They close gaps – Veneers can elongate and widen teeth to close up gaps for a fuller smile. The uniform look is aesthetically pleasing.

– They are durable – With proper oral care, veneers can last anywhere from 10-30 years. The bonding procedure creates a strong, long-lasting attachment to your teeth.

– Application is fast – In as little as 2-3 dental visits, you can have your new veneers placed. After an initial consultation, molds are taken and veneers are custom-fabricated in a dental lab. Then they are bonded to your teeth for an instant smile transformation.

Beyond the cosmetic benefits, improving your smile with veneers can positively impact nearly every aspect of your life. Having a bright, beautiful smile can make you feel more self-assured and comfortable in social, professional, and romantic situations. 

With your new pearly white, evenly aligned teeth, you may notice:

– A surge in self-confidence – You’ll feel better about yourself overall and be more willing to smile, laugh, and engage with people. You’ll have a sense of pride in your appearance.

– Increased professional opportunities – People often associate an attractive smile with success and competence. Your career prospects may improve, as your smile makes a great first impression.

– Improved social life – You may feel more confident making connections and finding a romantic partner. Strangers may also be friendlier as you appear more approachable.

– Better oral health – Well-fitted veneers protect your teeth from fractures, decay, and other damage. Your veneers may motivate you to care for your teeth.

– Positive mental health – Feeling good about your looks can fight depression, anxiety, and low self-worth. This inner confidence can radiate outwards through your smile.

– More positive daily interactions – Smiling more often can give off positive energy. In turn, you may receive more smiles and feel an enhanced connection during casual exchanges. With veneers from a skilled cosmetic dentist, you can achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. The transformation can be life-changing. If you have any damaged, discolored, misshapen, or crooked teeth that make you feel self-conscious, veneers are an excellent solution. Consult with your dentist to determine if they would be right for you. With veneers, you may discover a new level of self-assurance, optimism, and inner joy.

Whether you should brush or floss your teeth first

There is research and debate behind whether it is more beneficial to brush or floss your teeth first when doing your regular oral hygiene routine. While the order may not make a huge difference either way, there are reasonable arguments on both sides that suggest the optimal approach may be to focus on flossing before brushing.

The main advantage of flossing first is that it helps clear away plaque and debris from between your teeth and at your gumline before you brush. Flossing can reach food particles, plaque, and bacteria buildup that your toothbrush simply cannot access as effectively. If you brush first, you leave much of this harmful buildup still stuck between teeth and along the gumline even after brushing. The bristles simply cannot reach into these tight crevices.

By flossing first, you fully dislodge and remove any stuck-on plaque, food debris, dead cells, and bacteria that would otherwise be left remaining in these areas. This allows the toothpaste and brush to then better access and clean the entire smooth surfaces of teeth and gums rather than just the exposed sides you can reach. Flossing first ensures the most complete plaque removal possible.

In addition, starting with flossing means you will disrupt and dislodge fewer bacteria and plaque bits when you go to brush after. Bacteria colonies and plaque can become loosely attached to tooth surfaces and then get scrubbed into the saliva and swallowed if you brush first. By flossing first, there will be less built-up plaque present to then get swirled into the mouth when you brush after it.

Research has shown that people who floss before brushing have less plaque present above the gumline after their oral hygiene routine versus those who brush first. And lower plaque levels translate to reduced oral bacteria, less inflammation and bleeding, and better gum health over time. The one-two punch of flossing to start and then brushing after makes the most biological sense and offers the most thorough cleaning.

The only real downside to flossing first is that some people find it makes their gums bleed more initially. However, that is just a sign of inflammation and gingivitis. As gums get healthier with daily flossing, the bleeding should subside within a couple of weeks. Again, flossing first will better prepare gums for a deeper cleaning with the brush after anyway.

So, while either order of flossing and brushing daily will provide oral health benefits compared to doing neither, starting with flossing and then brushing your teeth is considered the more optimal sequence for maximum plaque removal and gum health. Taking those few extra seconds to floss first really can make a meaningful difference in your oral hygiene effectiveness.

Why your gums bleed when you floss and if you should stop flossing

Bleeding gums when you floss is a very common occurrence and is usually a sign of inflammation in the gums rather than an indication you should stop flossing. The bleeding is often caused by gingivitis, which is a mild form of gum disease triggered by a buildup of plaque along and under the gumline. Plaque is a sticky film composed of bacteria, food debris, and saliva. When left on the teeth, plaque begins to irritate and inflame the gums, making them tender, red, swollen, and likely to bleed when pressure is applied such as during flossing.

Gingivitis is quite common, affecting around 50% of adults at some point. The good news is it is reversible through improved oral hygiene. By flossing daily, you can remove the disease-causing plaque and help your gums heal and strengthen over time. It may take a week or two of consistent flossing for your gums to stop bleeding when you floss. The bleeding should steadily decrease during that time as the inflammation subsides.

It is important not to stop flossing if you notice bleeding. While the blood can seem alarming, avoiding flossing will allow more plaque to accumulate and make the problem worse. The more days you go without flossing, the longer it will take for your gums to strengthen and heal when you resume your routine. Consistency is key for building healthy gums that stay firm and plaque-free.

If the bleeding persists longer than a couple weeks of daily flossing, however, it could be a sign of a more serious issue such as advanced periodontal disease. In that case, the bleeding would also likely be accompanied by other symptoms such as chronic bad breath, receding gums, tooth pain or increased sensitivity, and tooth loosening. If your bleeding concerns do not improve within 10-14 days of diligent oral care, make an appointment with your dentist right away for an exam.

To help your gum bleeding situation, be sure you are flossing correctly. Use gentle pressure and a sawing motion instead of snapping the floss down. Curve the floss around the tooth in a C-shape against the side, not just up and down between teeth. Go below the gumline but avoid excessive digging. Finish by rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash. Practicing this technique daily along with brushing twice a day will have your gums healed and healthy in no time. But do reach out to your dentist if problems persist beyond a couple of weeks. Consistent oral hygiene coupled with professional dental cleanings and care is the key to strong, resilient gums for life.

Why dental veneers are often a better choice than dental bonding

Dental veneers and dental bonding are two common cosmetic treatments used to improve the look of teeth. While bonding can provide a minimally invasive option for minor issues, veneers tend to provide more dramatic and longer-lasting results in many cases. Here’s a look at some of the key differences:

Durability – Veneers are made from very strong ceramic or porcelain materials that resist staining and chipping much better than bonding resin. They better maintain their pristine appearance over time. Veneers typically last 10-20 years or longer before needing replacement, while bonding may only last 5 years or so.

Stain resistance – The porcelain and ceramic used for veneers are less prone to absorbed stains from coffee, tea, wine, and other foods that can discolor composites over time. Bonding stains more easily since resin absorbs pigments.

Color and shine – Veneers generally provide a more life-like, translucent luster that looks and feels more like real enamel. The porcelain reflects light naturally for a bright white smile. Bonding can look slightly duller over time.

Ideal uses – Veneers work better for major flaws like badly stained, misshapen, worn, or crooked teeth. Bonding is better for small chips, minor gaps, or slight discoloration. Veneers cover more of the tooth’s surface area if broader changes are needed.

Longevity – In addition to their 10-20 year lifespan, veneers also resist damage from normal chewing and biting forces better than bonded resin. Veneers don’t easily crack or pop off like bonding material can.

Preparation – Veneers require minimal shaving of the original tooth’s enamel, around 0.5-0.7mm usually. Bonding doesn’t remove tooth structure. But veneers are also reversible if desired.

Process – Getting veneers takes 2-3 office visits. Bonding is typically done in one visit. Custom-made veneer molds are a more complex process. 

Costs – Because veneers require lab work, they are more expensive, around $925 to $2,500 per tooth. Bonding costs less at $200 to $600 per tooth. Veneers are a bigger investment.

Look – Veneers can mimic the exact shape, size, and color of surrounding teeth more seamlessly. Thin veneers mean minimal change to the tooth’s original form. Bonding is thicker.

While bonding has its uses, dental veneers provide a more dramatic cosmetic improvement with results that should last for over a decade or longer. Their stain resistance, strength, and realistic appearance make them worth the higher initial price for many patients seeking a smile makeover.

Why the brand of toothpaste used is not as important for oral hygiene compared to proper brushing technique

When it comes to keeping your teeth clean and healthy, the brand or type of toothpaste you use is far less important than how you brush your teeth. Proper brushing technique and consistency play a much bigger role in effective plaque removal and decay prevention than whichever toothpaste you have in your bathroom. 

While ads for toothpaste brands might imply otherwise, no single ingredient or fancy formulation in toothpaste is a magic bullet for oral health. What matters most is the mechanical action of a soft-bristled brush scrubbing your teeth and gums thoroughly twice a day. Toothpaste acts primarily as a lubricant for safe brushing and adds supplemental fluoride for cavity protection, but the brushing does the real work.

The minimum recommendation is to use a fluoride toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association. Fluoride helps strengthen enamel and remineralize any early decay. But within that basic standard, the brand or exact percentage of fluoride is not too crucial. What matters far more is using a pea-sized amount of any fluoride toothpaste and brushing for a full two minutes each time.

Scrubbing away the sticky bacterial film known as plaque is vital for clearing decay-causing bacteria off teeth, massaging gums, and cleaning along the gumline where cavities start. This is achieved simply through daily brushing and flossing, not any special toothpaste ingredients. Things like plaque-fighting claims or teeth-whitening additives are more about marketing than meaningful improvement in oral health.

Sensitive teeth toothpastes can provide relief from temperature or pressure sensitivity. And tartar control or whitening toothpaste may offer marginal benefits in those realms. But no toothpaste can outperform the fundamentals of proper twice-daily brushing and daily flossing. Technique is king when it comes to caring for your teeth and gums. 

As long as you choose an ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste and use it consistently and thoroughly, the brand or type is not a major factor. Someone who brushes poorly with expensive whitening toothpaste will end up with more oral health issues than someone who brushes correctly with a basic cavity protection paste. So focus on mastering the technique first before worrying about toothpaste nuances. The bottom line is don’t get distracted by toothpaste marketing claims. Stick to twice-daily brushing for two minutes with gentle motions along gumlines and all tooth surfaces. That mechanical scrubbing action does the real cleaning. The toothpaste brand is secondary as long as you use a fluoride product. Good brushing habits truly make the difference between sparkling clean teeth and unhealthy ones prone to problems.

How often toothbrushes should be changed and why this is important

Toothbrushes are one of the most important tools for keeping your mouth clean and healthy, but they can also harbor bacteria and wear out over time. That’s why dental professionals recommend replacing your toothbrush about every 3-4 months as a general rule. Changing your brush this often is crucial for a few key reasons:

First, toothbrushes naturally wear down with repeated use over months of twice-daily brushing. The bristles become frayed and can lose their stiffness and effectiveness at removing plaque. Using a worn-out toothbrush with flattened bristles simply cannot clean as thoroughly and may cause plaque buildup near the gumline or in hard-to-reach areas. This can lead to more cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues if debris is left behind.

Second, used toothbrushes accumulate plaque and bacteria over time. Studies show that the bristles can collect and harbor millions of bacteria from the mouth after just days or weeks of use. Even rinsing the toothbrush can’t fully sanitize it or remove embedded microbes. Some of these bacteria could be harmful or disease-causing, and you don’t want to keep introducing them back into your mouth twice a day.

Third, toothbrushes kept for too long can harbor mold or yeast which develops in a moist environment. This fungal growth can also deposit spores back in your mouth during brushing. Though not a major health threat for most, this microbial contamination on an old toothbrush is less than ideal.

Fourth, toothbrush bristles simply wear out, bend, and flatten permanently after 3 months or so. This natural material breakdown means the toothbrush cannot scrub as effectively even if it looks otherwise OK. Form and function are compromised.

Finally, changing your toothbrush gives you a psychological refresh and motivates more diligent brushing each time. A shiny new brush simply feels better and leads to better habits. A ratty old one may cause you to subconsciously brush with less care and attention.

So for the best oral hygiene and dental health possible, make it a habit to replace your toothbrush fully every 3 to 4 months, or even more frequently if the bristles appear extremely worn before then. Keeping your toothbrush in tip-top shape ensures you are scrubbing away all plaque and bacteria efficiently at every use for maximum decay prevention and gum health. Don’t let an old toothbrush jeopardize your oral well-being.

What a root canal is and when one is needed

A root canal is a dental procedure involving the removal of infected or inflamed pulp from inside a tooth and the subsequent sealing of the inner space. The pulp consists of soft tissue containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. It lies in the hollow inner cavity of your teeth called the pulp chamber. 

When the pulp becomes infected, often due to untreated tooth decay or damage, it can cause severe tooth pain and require a root canal. Decay allows bacteria to work down into the tooth’s inner pulp tissue. This can then lead to an abscess if the infection spreads. The goal of a root canal is to clear out this infected or exposed dental pulp so the tooth can be saved.

During a root canal, the dentist will numb the area, drill an access hole through the top of the tooth to reach the pulp chamber, and use special dental files to remove all of the soft pulp tissue from inside the roots. The roots may have several small root canals that need clearing. Once the canals are fully cleaned out, the hollow spaces are disinfected and sealed up.

Finally, a rubber-like filling called gutta percha is inserted into the cleaned root canals to fill them completely and prevent recontamination. The access hole in the tooth is also permanently sealed. A temporary or permanent crown is placed on top to restore full function. The tooth is now free of infection and saved from extraction.

Root canals are needed when the inner tooth pulp becomes severely irritated, inflamed, or infected. The most common causes include deep untreated cavities, chips or cracks that allow bacteria inside, repeated dental procedures on a tooth, or trauma like a hard hit that damages the pulp. Symptoms requiring a root canal may include severe toothaches, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, swelling, tenderness to touch, or pus discharge.

Root canals allow dentists to remove disease and save a damaged tooth that would otherwise require extraction. However, they do not prevent future decay or gum disease. It is crucial to take extra care of a tooth after a root canal to keep it healthy with diligent brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings. With proper ongoing care, a tooth that has had a root canal can often last a lifetime.

What a dental cavity looks like

A cavity is a hole that develops in a tooth when decay from plaque and bacteria eats away at the enamel and underlying dentin. Cavities can vary in appearance depending on their size, depth, and where they are located, but some common characteristics can help identify them.

In the earliest stage, a cavity may appear as a small white or brown spot on the tooth surface. You need to look closely, as early cavities are difficult to see with the naked eye. There is surface demineralization of the enamel at this point, but no actual hole yet. The area may feel rough when you run your tongue over it.

As the decay worsens, a slight depression begins forming in the enamel, which is the beginning of an actual hole or cavity. The area often looks darker and stained, turning into a light to dark brown color. This is because food debris, bacteria, and waste products start getting trapped in the tiny opening. The decayed spot is now porous and retains these particles.

Once the cavity extends through the hard enamel layer, it penetrates down into the softer dentin layer underneath. This leads to rapid growth of the cavity, which takes on a more noticeable hole-like appearance. The cavity looks like a dark spot or shadow on the white tooth surface once it reaches the yellowish dentin. Sensitive to hot, cold, or sweet foods usually occurs at this moderate stage.

Large advanced cavities create a deep, extensive hole in the tooth, often with visibly softened decay inside it. The cavity looks like a dark brown crater that stands out from the surrounding normal enamel. Dentin near the pulp often looks mushy and discolored too. Major cavities may cause tooth fracture or complete destruction if the decay is left untreated.

Keep in mind cavities on less visible back teeth are harder to identify visually. But indicators like sensitivity, pain when chewing, or an unusually small hole can signal a cavity needing care. Catching and treating cavities early leads to simpler, less invasive fillings. Don’t ignore small suspicious spots on teeth that may be budding cavities. Let your dentist examine any areas of concern. And maintain your dental checkups every 6 months to detect decay before it gets advanced. With vigilant brushing and dental care, cavities can be prevented and treated early.